Please Note:
Effective May 25, 2018 due to the GDPR (European General Data Protection Regulation) I have gone into this website and deleted all references to an individual’s name and email of which there were many.
In their place I am adding my own name and email as the new contact. So, if you wish to contact anyone on this page or website, please contact me, Mic Barnette, an American, at
Thomas Barnett d 1771 Cumberland Co, PA Descendants in Mecklenburg Co, NC and Giles Co, TN
(Kit 17652) This lineage has been split into 2 parts due to the extensive documentation. The family was in Cumberland Co, PA and moved to Mecklenburg Co, NC, then Tennessee and other points west.
Group Barnett 6 Y Haplogroup R1b1a2
This Lineage is considered correct. However, there is a non parental event in Generation VI in Giles County, TN with Catherine Barnett born 1844 and died after 1880 census. This portion of the lineage is found on the second page of this lineage Kit 17652B.
The the lineage of Kit 17652 has been broken into two pages because the computer software would not accept the extensive information. We have several participants and a number of non-Barnett surnamed researchers working on this lineage. Because of the documentation it was felt beneficial to include all the notes as it shows the migration of this Barnett family from Cumberland County Pennsylvania southward to Mecklenburg County, NC
Generation I
1. THOMAS BARNETT1 SR.1 was born Unknown, and died Abt. 1771 in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.
Hamilton township 1752 taxables……Josh Barnet, Jas Barnet, Thos Barnet jr, Robt Donelson, Thos Barnet…..Robert Barnet
Hamilton TWP, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania 1768 Tax lists
Barnett, Thomas, Sr. 2 horse, 4 cows, 8 sheep, 300 acres warranted, 50 acres clear.
Barnett, Thomas, Jr. Poor
DOCUMENT: Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Will Book B, page 104: Will of Thomas Barnett of “Hamilton”, dated 30 October 1771 (probated 12 November 1771):
Son-in-law – Robert Donelson (Donaldson)
SON: HUGH Barnett
Son-in-law: William Guthry & his wife (not named)
Grandson, son of my SON William Barnett Dec’d (not named)
Son: Thomas
John Straghan (relationship not given)
(grandson) Hugh, son of Thomas Barnett Junr.
EXECUTORS: Thomas Beard & Thomas Barnett Junr.
WITNESSES: Jane Straghan, John Guthery.
COMMENTS: The Will abstract only gave names. No mention of the legacy. Two HUGH’S are identified in this Will: one the son of Thomas Sr.; the other the son of Thomas Jr. He also had a son William who was deceased.
William’s son was not named, but he was a John. Thomas Sr. also had a son John, who died a few years earlier and left a Will, as follows:
DOCUMENT: Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Will Book A, page 161 – WILL of John Barnett of “Hamilton”: Dated 23 January 1767:
Wife: Meary
Brother William Barnett’s child John Barnett
Brother Thomas
Brother Hugh Barnett’s son John Barnett
Brother (in-law) Robert Donaldson
My Father
EXECUTORS: Father Thomas Barnett of Hamilton and Wife Meary.
WITNESSES: James Patterson, Isaac Patterson.
ANALYSIS: Without knowing the wording of Thomas Sr’s Will, I can not ascertain the disposition of this Hugh Barnett. Just because he is listed as a son does not mean he was present. Thomas may have stated that he had already given son Hugh property before he left, etc. The manner and wording of the bequests is most important in regard to this case, because Hugh was already present in North Carolina by this date.
The will of John is also helpful in regard to naming William’s child John and Hugh’s son John. The will of HUGH Barnett in Mecklenburg County does indeed name a son John (among several others).
CONCLUSION: This is not conclusive, but it is the only evidence I was able to uncover, and I believe I am correct. PLEASE NOTE the following: * Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 4, page 560 – 27 February 1768, William Donaldson of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania to H(ugh) Barnet of Mecklenburg, for 80 pounds, sold 225 acres on north side of west fork of Twelve Mile Creek granted by patent to said Donaldson 16 May 1754. /s/ Willm Donaldson by Thos. Polk.
WIT: Moses Alexander, Samuel Loftain. Recorded July Term 1769.
* Hugh of Pennsylvania had a brother-in -law named Robert Donaldson. Here we see a Donaldson from “Cumberland County, Pennsylvania” selling Hugh Barnett land by a Power of Attorney Thomas Polk. In Deed Book 5, page 316, Hugh Barnett sold this tract to Andrew Crockett “…being half a grant to William Donaldson and conveyed to Barnett 27 February 1768…”. The name Robert Donaldson does indeed appear in Mecklenburg records.
I believe we can safely “assume” that HUGH BARNETT is the son of THOMAS BARNETT Sr. of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania based on the deed from William Donaldson (of the same exact place) to Hugh Barnett…….
From the report submitted by Timothy Kearney, Raleigh, North Carolina, dated July 5, 2000.
In the name of God almighty this thirteenth day of October seventeen hundred and seventy one, I Thomas Barnett of Cumberland county & township of Hamilton being sick in body but in good and sound memory thanks be to Almighty God call to remembrance the uncertainty of this…….life & that all flesh must yield to death when it shall please God to call, do make constitute ordain & declare this my last Will & Testament, in manner & form following.
Revoking & annulling by these presents all & every testament and testaments Will & Wills heretofore by me made, delivered either by word or writing and these be taken only for my Last Will & Testament & none other.
And first being repentant & sorry for my sins, last most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same I give & commit my soul to almighty God in whom, by the merits of Jesus Christ, to be saved & that my soul with my body at the general resurrection shall rise again with joy, and my body to be buried in such a place as it shall please my Exec hereafter naming to appoint.
And now to the settling of my affairs and such goods chatls & debts as it hath please God to bestow upon me ….I do give and dispose of the same in the names forelonging that is to say I will that all these debts and dues I owe in night of conscience to any names of person or persons shall be well and full paid or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my death so by exec hereafter named.
….Then I give & bequeath to my son-in-law Robt Donelson eight pounds.
….Then I give and bequeath to my son HUGH Barnett two shillings and six pense.
….Then I give and bequeath son-in-law William Gothery and his wife ten pounds.
….Then I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Barnett twenty pounds in money with the one half of my land in both sides of the creek.
….Then I give and bequeath to my grandson, son of my son William Barnett dec’d the half of my land in both sides of the creek together with fifty pounds of money, if said grandson dies without lawful (heirs) the whole of the land is to
fall to and be left to my son Thomas Barnett.
….Then I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Barnett all my body cloaths with my sadle and bridle.
….Then I give and appoint Jane Stragher to stay & take care of the cattle and work as formerly for the benefit of the estate…Jane Stragher be allowed six pounds per year for trouble keeping grandson at expense of the estate.
….Then I order also and appoint after discharging all legacies and other demands that the remainder be wholly given to my grandson……only twenty pounds for (Hugh Barnett, Thomas Barnett Juniors son).
….I do also appoint and constitute Thomas Beard & Thomas Barnett Junior exec to this my last will and testament given under my hand and seal the day & year above written
Those present
Jane Straghan John Gothery Thomas Barnett (his mark) (sr)
Be it remembered that on the twelfth day of November 1771 letters Testamentary issued out in common form to Thomas Beard and Thomas Barnett (junior)exec named in the last will and testament of Thomas Barnett dec’d of which the foregoing record is a true copy inventory and acct to be exhibited in the time appointed by law. Witness my hand the above day and year above written.
Copied from handwritten copy of the original as provided by:
Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans Court
County of Cumberland Courthouse, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 4, page 560 is the key record of association proving this connection. I can not stress enough the importance of that deed.
Since your lineage is well established back to Thomas Sr. of Cumberland, PA., your next step would be to learn what you can about Thomas Sr. from Pennsylvania records. He is no doubt among the numerous immigrants that migrated from Northern Ireland to Pennsylvania before his children moved down the Great Philadelphia Wagon Road into western North Carolina. Practically everyone who settled in Mecklenburg, NC during that time period followed the exact same migration pattern: Northern Ireland to Pennsylvania to North Carolina. You may wish to check the many volumes of published Passenger Arrival lists located in most libraries. It is obvious Thomas was born in Ireland and his children were most likely born there as well. The International Genealogical Index (IGI) at your local Mormon Library may be useful as well. Good luck, and again, my sincere congratulations!”
Have a very Happy Holiday Season, ss/Tim
Letter from Timothy Kearney, Raleigh, North Carolina….dated 15 December 2000
HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY….By I. Daniel Rupp….Published by Gilbert Hills, Proprietor & Publisher….Lancaster city, Pa., 1846 (Selected notes and quotations)
“The first known settlements in Cumberland County were made in 1730, and at no great distance from the river. but new settlers came in very rapidly and passed up the North Valley, or the Kittochtinny Valley as then called, following the Conodoguinet and Yellow Breeches Creeks, and locating also upon Silver Spring, Letort Spring, Big Spring, Mean’s Spring, Middle Spring, falling Spring, Rocky Spring and the different branches if the Conococheague, until in 1736 a line of settlements extended from the Susquehanna clear through to the western part of the province of Maryland. In 1748 there were 800 taxables in the valley, and in 1751 the number had increased to 1,100 indicating a population of at least 5,000 inhabitants. These, with the exception of about fifty German families in Franklin County, were immigrants from Ireland and Scotland, and the descendants of those who had taken root in Lancaster County.
In 1751 a sudden and large increase in the flow of immigration commenced, which ministered greatly to the rapid settlement of the county. This tidal wave owed its origin to a very unusual and novel cause. In 1730 Secretary Logan* (himself an Irishman but in the confidence and pay of the proprietaries, and was probably against his own people) wrote thus: ‘I must own from my own experience in the land office that the settlement of five families from Ireland gives me more trouble than fifty of any other people. Before we were broke in upon, ancient friends and first settlers lived happily, but now the case is quite altered.’ The quick temper and belligerent character of this people, which kept them generally in a kind of chronic broil with their German neighbors, did not seem to improve with time, for in 1743 Secretary Peters wrote in very much the same strain as had done his predecessor, and even the Quaker forbearance of the Proprietaries finally became exhausted, so that in or about 1750, the year in which Cumberland County was organized, positive orders were issued to all the agents to sell no more land in either York or Lancaster County to the Irish, and to make very advantageous offers to those of them who would remove from these counties to the North Valley. These offers were so liberal that large numbers accepted, and built their huts among the wigwams of the native inhabitants, whom they found to be peaceful but by no means non-resistant.”
///////// “In 1735, the North Valley, (now Cumberland and Franklin) was divided into two townships, Pennsborough & Hopewell…….Hopewell was divided in 1741, “by a line beginning at the North Hill, at Benj. Moor”s, thence to widow Hewres’s and Samuel Jamison’s, and on a straight line to the South Hill, and that the western division be called Antrim, and the eastern Hopewell.”
The following, exhibits the names of townships organized, and tax paid prior to the erection of Cumberland county, in the North Valley, from 1736 to 1749. 1746, Antrim p.11l. 1s. 2d.; THOMAS BARNET, collector.” /////////
“Wearing apparel was “home-spun and home-made,” and the men went about dressed in this, and in hunting shirts and moccasins. Carpets were unknown. Floors were of the “puncheon” variety….logs split and hewed, with the smooth surface uppermost. Benches made of the same material with legs in them answered in the place of chairs. Instead of crockery and china-ware the table furniture consisted of plates, spoons, bowls, trenchers, and noggins made of weed, or of gourds and hard-shell squashes; though in the families in better circumstances pewter took the place of weed, and there was nothing finer.
The pioneers were a “rude race and strong,” or they never could have withstood the terrible hardships and privations of life in a border region, with wild beasts and wilder men continually harassing them and making their lot desperate indeed. There is that in the Anglo-Saxon blood which appears to court difficulty and danger, and the resources of the race in time of trial are wonderful beyond comparison.”
“April 2, 1756, a body of Indians attacked and burned McCord’s fort, on the Conococheague, in what is now Franklin County, killing and capturing a total of twenty-seven persons. The alarm extended to Shippensburg, and three companies were raised in various parts of the valley, for the pursuit and punishment of the marauders, commanded respectively by Capts. Culbertson, Chambers and Hamilton. Capt. Alex Culbertson’s company with nineteen men from the other two, overtook the Indians west of Sideling Hill and a fight ensued which lasted two hours. The Indians, from the report made by one of their number who was captured, lost seventeen killed and twentyone wounded. Among those killed were Capt. Culbertson, John Reynolds (ensign of Capt. Chambers’ company), William Kerr, James Blair, John Leason, William Denny, Francis Scott, William Boryd, Jacob Paynter, Jacob Jones, Robert Kerr and William Chambers; wounded, Francis Campbell, Abraham Jones, William reynolds, JOHN BARNET, Benjamin Blyth, John McDonald and Isaac Miller.
All around the settlements in this county outrages were frequent and the number of lives taken was appalling, considering the sparsely settled condition of the country. Bands of Indians even ventured within a few miles of Carlisle. The military were employed in protecting men harvesting their crops in 1756, and it was necessary for all persons to be ever on the alert to guard against surprise and attack. In June, 1756, a Mr. Dean, living about a mile out of Shippensburg, was found murdered in his cabin, his skull cleft with a tomahawk.”
Children of THOMAS BARNETT SR. are:
2. i. ELIZABETH2 BARNETT, b. Abt. 1731, Pennsylvania; d. Unknown.
3. ii. HUGH BARNETT, b. Abt. 1733, unk; d. Abt. 1785, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Sugar Creek Church Cemetery.
iii. DONELSON BARNETT, b. Unknown; m. ROBERT DONELSON; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
iv. JOHN BARNETT, b. Unknown; d. January 1767, Hamilton, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania; m. MEARY.
In the name of God Almighty, the twenty third day of January Seventeen hundred and sixty seven, That I John Barnett of Cumberland County and Township of Hamilton and being very sick in body but of a good and perfect mind …thanks to be to God and calling to remembrance the uncertainty of life and that all flesh must yield to death when it shall please God to call, do make constitute, ordaine and declare this my last will and testament in names and form following.
Revoking and disallowing, and by these presents all and every testament or testaments will or wills hereafter by me made and declared either by word or writing, and this to be taken only for my last will and testament and none other. ….First I being repentant and sorry for my sins past, most humbly desire forgiveness for the same.
I give and commit my body to the grave and my soul to God my savior and redeemer Jesus Christ in whom I believe to be loved and that my soul with my body at general day of resurrection shall rise again with joy and through the merits of Christs death and passion possess and inherit the Kingdon of heaven prepare for his elect and chosen and my body to be buried at the discretion of my Exec hereafter named and move for the settling of my temporal estate and such goods chattels debts as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me….. I do order give and dispose the same in the manner and form following that is to say,
….First I will that all those debts and dues as I owe in right to any person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly counted and paid within convenient time after my decease by my Exec hereafter.
….Then I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary one third part of my personal estate goods and chattel.
…. I like give another third part to my brother (Williams child John Barnett) and if he dies with …….I order that my brothers or sisters children may enjoy it.
….Then the remainder part I give to be divided equally between by brother Thomas (Jr) and (brother Hughs son John Barnett)
….Then I give to my brother Hugh Barnett my best coat and velvet Jacket.
….Then to my (brother Robert Donnelson) my best hat.
….Then to my father the remainder of all my cloaths made up and to make up to be divided at his discretion between him and my brother Thomas (Jr).
…. And I also appoint and constitute my father (Thomas Barnett in Cumberland County and township of Hamilton and my well beloved wife Mary Barnett and Paul Barnett both of said county and township aforesaid executers of this my last will and testament given under my hand this twenty fourth day of January one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven. 1767
Witness present James Patterson Isaac Patterson John Barnett (his mark)
4. v. WILLIAM BARNETT, b. Unknown.
5. vi. THOMAS BARNETT JR., b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
Generation II
ELIZABETH2 BARNETT (THOMAS BARNETT1 SR.) was born Abt. 1731 in Pennsylvania2, and died Unknown. She married ROBERT GUTHRIE2 Abt. 1751 in unk2. He was born Abt. 1727 in Chester, Pennsylvania, and died Unknown.
i. MARGARET3 GUTHRIE, b. October 30, 1753, South Carolina.
ii. ROBERT GUTHRIE, b. October 22, 1756, South Carolina; d. April 13, 1838, South Carolina.
iii. ELIZABETH GUTHRIE, b. December 02, 1761, South Carolina.
iv. JAMES GUTHRIE, b. March 21, 1764, South Carolina.
v. WILLIAM GUTHRIE, b. March 22, 1767, South Carolina.
vi. ADAM GUTHRIE, b. October 01, 1769, South Carolina.
vii. ANN GUTHRIE, b. April 07, 1773, South Carolina.
viii. MARY GUTHRIE, b. April 08, 1776, South Carolina.
3. HUGH2 BARNETT (THOMAS BARNETT1 SR.)3 was born Abt. 1733 in unk, and died Abt. 1785 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Sugar Creek Church Cemetery4,5 . He married (1) ELIZABETH BARNETT5 Abt. 1755 in unk. She was born Abt. 1733 in unk, and died Abt. 1775. He married (2) SUSANNAH BARNETT6 Unknown. She was born Unknown, and died Unknown.
DOCUMENT: Mecklenburg County,NC Wills, CR.065.801.11 – WILL of Hugh Barnett, made 7 September 1785.
“…to my beloved wife Susannah a bed and furniture, a 3 year old sorrel mare and saddle and her choice cow and calf…also, I allow her maintenance of the Plantation and her Privilege of the House during her widow…”…I leave to my son Robert the house and all the plantation I now live on Exclusive of 200 acres That I will and bequeath to my son James which line or lines I allow my Executors to plan and not my sons to have any difference or disputes about the same and further I allow my son Robert the black trotting horse.
“…I leave to my son James besides the 200 acres already mentioned a bay trotting year old filly by “Pased”? and also 5 pounds in cash and a new saddle both out of the stock before a Division be made…
“…I will to Hannah 5 pounds…
“…I will to my daughter Margaret a new saddle and bridle…
“…I will to my daughter Elizabeth 10 pounds…and further it is my will and pleasure that the household furniture of Plinishing be to the use of the Family and to be at the disposing of my son Robert and my wife Susannah as they see fit…
“…that if any of my children should marry or move away that they my son Robert and wife has a Descritionary Power to give them what part they see fit or proper to give them, but if the Family should break up or part and not agree to live together that the said Plinishing is to be (ap)praised or sold with the rest of the estate Hereafter to be mentioned and also I allow my son Robert to have the Still and Still vessels and hogs and sheep for the use of the Family but if they should break up or not agree to live together that then they are all to be Praised or sold as the rest of the stock and plinishings…
“…Also it is my will that the two ploughs be for the use of the Family while they keep together but if they should part I allow my wife one of the ploughs and the other to be praised and sold as the stock…
“…and further it is my will that what money I have and what debts I have due be collected and called in and disposed of as I shall direct and also I allow my three negroes and stock exclusive of what I have already willed and waggon and waggon gears to be valued and praised by my Executorors or whom they may appoint and the whole to be in the care and possession of my son Robert until called of by the legatees as their shares becomes due with lawful interest and it is my will that if the distemper or any accident should come on any of the cattle or horses that is to be praised so that they or some part should die or be lost that it is my will that part lost by sickness or any other disorder their value is not to come of my son Roberts part but to come equally off the legatees and further it is my will that my well beloved wife Susannah and son Robert and my daughters Margaret and Agnes and Mary and Dorcas and John and Hugh and Anne and the child that my wife is pregnant with is to be equal sharers of the money and appraisement of the aforementioned goods to be appraised or sold and further it is my will if any of those children should die without issue or in their nonage that their part is Equally divided among the surviving children and further it is my will that if my family should break and not live as they ought together I order my Executors to make sale of the whole of the poperty not willed off, and further I do nominate and appoint my trusty friends David Freeman and Robert Allison and my own son Robert Barnett to be my executors…”
/s Hugh Barnet
Witnessed by Geo Gibson, Robert Barnet and David Feeman
The last will and testament of Hugh Barnett was proved in open Court by the oath of Robert Barnett and Evidence thereto. Ordered that Letters Testamentary issue to David Freeman, Robert Allison and Robert Barnett, Executors appointed in the said Will who comes into Court and Qualified (WB-A/137) Book 2, Minutes of Mecklenburg Co., NC. Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions. 1786 March Session.
An Acct. (of) Sales and Inventory of the Estate of Hugh Barnett, deceased, which amounts to 404.0.2 pounds.
1786 September Session. Note: The will did not contain a usual probate record and the copy was made in November 1790, however, Hugh died prior to 31 August 1786 when the Accounts of the Property, Bonds, notes and book accounts were presented by the Executors Robert Barnett, Robert Allison and David Freeman.
Ordered that Susannah Barnett be appointed Guardian for John Barnett aged 9 years, Hugh Barnett 8 (years) old,
Anne Barnett 6 years old, Orphans of Hugh Barnett, Decd., Who came into Court and was bound with David
Freeman and Robert Allison, Securities, in the sum of 500 pounds.
1790 July Session
A settlement of the Estate Hugh Barnett, Decd., by the Exers. Robert Barnett, Robert Allison, and David Freeman, The whole Amount of the Estate……404.0-02 pounds / Credit as per Vouchers filed 28.11.00 pounds.
Balance due said Estate……375.09.02 pounds
We find as there is nine Legatees Including the Widow (and) that there is due each Legatee 41.14.4 pounds.
(Apparently Susannah did not give birth to a child she was pregnant with when Hugh wrote his will, as the nine legatees are all named in the will.)
1790 October Session
Patent Book Number18 Crown to: (William Tryon, Royal Governor) page 339
HUGH BARNETT 27 September 1766 300 acres in Mecklenburg on the main S. fork of Tyger river above Joseph Massey, joining a fork of a Branch by the side of the Middle Cherokee path.
Patent Book Number 23 Crown to: (William Tryon, Royal Governor) page 362
HUGH BARNETT 22 December 1768 200 acres in Tryon on the middle fork of Tygar river, joining Alexander McCarter and Jones old place – including the shoals.
Patent Book Number 23 Crown to: (William Tryon, Royal Governor) page 362
HUGH BARNETT 22 December 1768 150 acres in Tryon on the N. side of the middle fork of Tyger river on a branch falling into Jones Land, joining the branch near the forks.
(The two land patents identified as in Tryon county on the Tyger river are in an area which changed boundrys and names several times. Subject parcels were actually in Mecklenburg county on Twelve Mile creek, which was called Tyger river at the time. Resource materials refer to both names at various times. Tryon county lasted about ten years and was then abolished.)
Mecklenburg county, North Carolina Deed Book 10….25 September 1786….page 645 Edward Melony and wife Helonon (A) to David Hutchinson, for L40, 100 A on Sugar Creek adjacent William Houston, HUGH BARNETT,
David Crocket and William McCulloch and Robert Lomond. Proved in April 1789 Court by oath of William McCulloch, Jno. Rogers, Clerk Pro. Tem.
Andrew Crockett, Deed. June 12, 1772, in Mecklenburg County , North Carolina, Andrew Crockett and wife Mary to HUGH BARNETT. a certain tract of land therein described. Signed by Andrew Crockett and Mary Crockett and witnessed by Andrew Neel and John Moore. Recorded at the April term, 1774. Also, December 21, 1773,
Andrew Crockett and wife Mary in a deed sell to John Sturgeon, a tract of land, beginning at the corner of the land of HUGH BARNETT on the North Side of the West Fork of Twelve-Mile Creek in Mecklenburg County, containing 225 acres. This deed was signed by Andrew Crockett and Mary Crockett and witnessed by Archibald Crockett, John Wilson and William Miller. From “The Mecklenburg Signers” This is same area described as Tryon county, Tyger River.
A deed from HUGH BARNETT AND HIS WIFE ELIZABETH to Andrew Neel 200 (acres) of land dated 20th day of April 1774 and acknowledged in open court by (Wm Barnett) thereupon ordered to be registered. Mecklenburg County.
HUGH BARNETT is listed as Assessor in 1777…….list of public officials of Mecklenburg County from 1775 to 1785, “The Mecklenburg Signers”.
Sugar Creek Church, a part of the oldest Presbyterian Congregation in the upper county. In the oldest or original church yard the following is noted:
HUGH BARNETT died Nov. 24, 1786, aged 53 years
MARGARET BARNETT died Oct. 5, 1790, aged 30
(Assumed to be daughter of HUGH BARNETT)
The David Crockett listed in deeds above is identified as an uncle of the “Davey” Crockett of Alamo fame in Texas. This David later moved to Georgia and had land dealings with another, different, Barnett family….From “The Mecklenburg Signers”. Number 120 on the “neighbors” map.
James Knox….was the father of Jean Knox who married Samuel Polk, son of Ezekial Polk, and the father of President James Knox Polk, who was born near Little Sugar Creek, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, November 2, 1795….From the “Mecklenburg Signers”. Number 41 on the “neighbors” map.
The Old Waxhaw Church Cemetery…now lies in Lancaster County, South Carolina, but was at one time considered a part of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Andrew Jackson, Sr., father of the 7th president of the United States is buried here as is Margaret Hutchinson, sister of his mother. There are at least five Barnetts in the cemetery
From the ” Mecklenburg Signers”. Number 115 on the “neighbors” map.
A number of researchers believe Elizabeth is Elizabeth Charity Ashmore born Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.
One source has a James Ashmore (b. about 1728 in North Carolina) who married Elizabeth Balch, James possibly a brother to Elizabeth “Charity” Ashmore (b. 1734 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina), who married Hugh Barnett (b about 1733 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina). James Ashmore and Elizabeth Balch had a daughter, Margaret “Peggy” Ashmore (b. about 1776 in North Carolina)m who married Hugh Henderson Dec. 1799 in Russelville, Logan County, Kentucky.
Elizabeth “Charity” Ashmore died 14 December 1775 and is buried at the Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church, Mecklenburg, North Carolina.
It is very likely this is the case and Elizabeth Charity Ashmore was indeed the wife of Hugh Barnett; this would clear many questions about this family.
i. HANNAH3 BARNETT, b. Abt. 1759, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. December 12, 1830, Logan, Kentucky; m. MICHAEL HENDERSON7, Abt. 1775, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina7; b. 1752, Pennsylvania; d. Abt. 1850, Logan, Kentucky.
ii. MARGARET BARNETT, b. Abt. 17608.
iii. JAMES BARNETT, b. Abt. 1761, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. Unknown, Illinois.
iv. ELIZABETH BARNETT, b. Abt. 1765.
v. AGNES BARNETT, b. Abt. 1767.
vi. MARY BARNETT, b. Abt. 1769.
6. vii. ROBERT BARNETT, b. Abt. 1770, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. September 09, 1830, Mecklenburg, North Carolina Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
7. viii. DORCAS BARNETT, b. May 27, 1771, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. November 15, 1846, Marshall County, Tennessee.
ix. JOHN BARNETT, b. Abt. 1772; d. Unknown; m. JANE GASTON, July 22, 1795, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; b. Unknown.
x. JOHN3 BARNETT, b. Abt. 1781.
xi. HUGH BARNETT, b. Abt. 1782.
xii. ANNE BARNETT, b. Abt. 1784.
4. WILLIAM2 BARNETT (THOMAS BARNETT1 SR.) was born Unknown. He married UNK. She died Bef. 1771.
Child of WILLIAM BARNETT and UNK is:
i. JOHN3 BARNETT, b. Unknown.
John Barnett is mentioned in the will of his uncle (John Barnett)
5. THOMAS BARNETT2 JR. (THOMAS BARNETT1 SR.) was born Unknown, and died Unknown.
i. HUGH3 BARNETT, b. Unknown.
Generation III
6. R OBERT3 BARNETT (H UGH2, THOMAS BARNETT1 S R.)9,10 was born Abt. 1770 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and died September 09, 1830 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
He married JENNIT TODD May 07, 1789 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina11, daughter of JAMES TODD and MARTHA TODD. She was born Abt. 1767 in unk, and died August 16, 1823 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
1810 Mecklenburg, North Carolina Census Number 025
1820 Mecklenburg, North Carolina Census Number 173
1 male 10/16….2 male 16/18….4 male 18/26….1 male over 45
1 female 0/10….1 female 16/26….1 female over 45….1 slv
1830 Mecklenburg, North Carolina Census Number 373
Will Book E, p81. ROBERT BARNETT. 9 Nov 1825, prb in Nov Ct 1830. Being in a sick and low condition, I will to my son Marcus Barnett 100 A adj my son AMOS BARNETT including the improvements made by sd Marcus, as well as a feather bed and furniture, and two cows; to my son James G. Barnett 80 A on the south side of my son Marcus Barnett, a feather bed and furniture, and a cow; to my son David Edwin Barnett 100 A on the east side of my land adj James Lindsay’s old plantation, Moses Wallace, and Joseph Sample, also a feather bed and furniture, and two cows; to my son Robert Franklin Barnett the residue of my land including the old improvements where I now live, the sawmill site, the 11 A purchased from William Robinson previous to buying the whole (of the Robinson place) from the Richard Robison heirs, but excluding the portion of this tract hereinafter bequeathed to Amos and Hugh Moore Barnett, a feather bed aand furniture, and two cows; to my son HUGH Moore Barnett the residue of the land bought from Richd. Robison’s heirs estimated at 130 A excluding the 11 A mentioned above; and to my son AMOS BARNETT 100 A including his improvements.
I will to my dau Jenny Barnett a feather bed and furniture, a cow, and a bureau that formerly belonged to Milton Barnett. The remainder of my property not mentioned above is to be sold, except a horse which I leave to my son Robert Franklin Barnett, and from the proceeds my just debts are to be paid. To each of my daus Polly Montgomery and Jenny Barnett I leave $75, and any remaining residue in money is to be divided equally between my sd daus and two sons David and Franklin.
Exrs: James A. Todd and Alexander Robison. Wit: Mathew and Moses Wallace.
From Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
# Will Abstracts, 1791 – 1868, Books A – J by Herman W. Ferguson
# Tax Lists, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1806 & 1807 Transcribed by Ralph B. & Herman W. Ferguson
Note: We can assume Robert Barnett died 1830, between census enumeration on which he is counted and probate of will in November.
Tax Lists 1797…..Robert Barnett, 500 acres land, value – Capt. Bowmans Co.
Tax Lists 1798…..Robert Barnett, 500 acres land, value -, 1 WP, 2 BP Capt. Bowmans Co.
Tax Lists 1799…..Robert Barnett, same
Tax Lists 1807…..Robert Barnett, 500 acres land, value -, 1 WP, 0 BP
Tax Lists 1823…..Robert Barnett, 600 acres land, value 2,700, 2 WP, no BP Capt. John Sloans Town Co.
Tax Lists 1824…..Robert Barnett, 500 acres land, value 2,250, 1 WP, no BP Capt. John Sloans Town Co.
i. MARCUS4 BARNETT, b. Abt. 1790, Mecklenburg, North Carolina; d. Unknown; m. SINTHEY FRASURE, May 27, 1826, Mecklenburg, North Carolina11; b. Unknown.
Tax List 1824…Marcus Barnett, 0 land, 0 value, 1 WP, 0 BP Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
8. ii. AMOS BARNETT, b. Abt. 1791, Mecklenburg, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1852, Giles County, Tennessee.
iii. JAMES G. BARNETT, b. Abt. 1792, Mecklenburg, North Carolina; d. Unknown; m. DEBORAH MONTGOMERY, January 24, 1827, Mecklenburg, North Carolina11 ; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
iv. DAVID EDWIN BARNETT, b. Abt. 1793; d. Unknown; m. REBECKAH MONTGOMERY, February 27, 1827, Mecklenburg, North Carolina11; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
9. v. ROBERT FRANKLIN BARNETT, b. June 14, 1803, Mecklenburg, North Carolina; d. May 30, 1860, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
10. vi. HUGH MOORE BARNETT, b. Abt. 1795, Mecklenburg, North Carolina; d. Aft. 1850, Maury County, Tennessee.
11. vii. JENNY JANE BARNETT, b. Abt. 1796; d. Abt. 1893, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Trinity Methodist Church.
viii. POLLY BARNETT, b. Abt. 1797; m. MONTGOMERY.
7. DORCAS3 BARNETT (HUGH2, THOMAS BARNETT1 SR.)12 was born May 27, 1771 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and died November 15, 1846 in Marshall County, Tennessee12. She married HUGH SMILEY January 31, 1791 in Madison County, Kentucky 13. He was born Abt. 1764 in North Carolina, and died Abt. 1847 in Kentucky.
12. i. MARY BARNETT4 SMILEY, b. April 11, 1793, Madison, Kentucky; d. Abt. 1870, Lampassas, Texas.
ii. HUGH BARNETT SMILEY, b. October 22, 1795, Kentucky; d. October 17, 1870, Marshall County, Tennessee; m.
SARAH ELIZABETH LOWERY, July 11, 1822, Bedford, Tennessee.
iii. JAMES B. SMILEY, b. November 18, 1800.
iv. MATTHEW A. SMILEY, b. April 10, 1804.
v. ROBERT B. SMILEY, b. Abt. 1806.
vi. MOORE SMILEY, b. April 04, 1808.
vii. W. H. SMILEY, b. January 09, 1813.
Generation IV
8. AMOS4 BARNETT (ROBERT3, HUGH2, THOMAS BARNETT1 S R.)14,15 was born Abt. 1791 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1852 in Giles County, Tennessee16 . He married CATHERINE L . PORTER17 December 25, 1819 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina18, daughter of WILLIAM PORTER and CATHERINE PORTER. She was born Abt. 1792 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1833 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina19.
Notes for AMOS BARNETT :
1820 Mecklenburg, North Carolina Census Number 169
Barnett, Amos….1 male 26/45….1 female 18/26….1 female under 10….1 slv
1830 Mecklenburg, North Carolina Census Number 373
1850 Giles County, Tennessee Census, in household of his son William M. Barnett
DOCUMENT: Mecklenburg Co., NC Deed Book 2, page 18 – 29 August 1845, “…Know all men by the presents that I, WILLIAM M. BARNETT of GILES COUNTY & State of Tennessee have this day appointed JAMES M. BARNETT of MAURY COUNTY & State of Tennessee my true and lawful attorney in fact to make Settlements with JOSIAH MONTGOMERY of Mecklenburg County State of North Carolian and in said Settlement receive my part of money and also my share of the negroes in the hands of said Montgomery as GUARDIAN and he is authorized….by assigning my name and further if he the said James M. Barnett shall / the property of selling my negroes he is hereby authorized to do so, and convey title to said negroes in my name and all the said James M. Barnett’s acts & doing relative to the above businesses named shall be as binding on me as though I was personally present and done it myself….”. /s/ William M. Barnett. WIT: A. H. Hasnia?, HUGH M. BARNETT.
State of Tennessee, Maury County} 30 August 1845, HUGH M. BARNETT appeared before William E. Erwin, Clerk and acknowledged the Power of Attorney to be true. Jackson B. White, Magistrate certified that Erwin was the Clerk of Court.
State of NC, Mecklenburg County} October Term 1845, Josiah Montgomery proved the Power of Attorney and was acquainted with the signatures of William M. Barnett & Hugh M. Barnett.
Notes from the will of William Porter, father of Catherine Porter Barnett, father-in-law of William M. Barnett…”…and to my daughter CATHERINE BARNETT the use of the negro Sally during her lifetime, and at her decease said negro is to be equally divided among CATHERINES SURVIVING CHILDREN…”.
Catherine died in 1833, and the estate file was actually generated by her temporary ownership of Sally, who then became the property of William and James. Since the boys were underage, a guardian was appointed by the Court.
Amos was not selected as their Guardian for some unspoken reason. Instead, a Porter (Andrew H.) was appointed 25 November 1833, however, that guardianship only lasted 6 months when Josiah Montgomery was appointed guardian 26 May 1834, and on this guardian bond, the word “deceased” is properly crossed-through, which was neglected by the Clerk on the first bond for A. H. Porter.
They were indeed the “orphans” of Amos legal-wise, but he was not dead, and their “orphan” status was in regard to their property descending from their maternal grandfather via Catherine. Estate papers show an account of notes due the Estate of Wm & James Barnett by guardian Josiah Montgomery which clearly states “…the above sums for hire negro…”. Josiah Montgomery hired out the negro Sally to various people and the money would go to William and James when they came of age.
Another paper in the file was a return of notes by Montgomery which showed annual amounts from 1840 to 1846.
By 1845, William Barnett had issued a Power of Attorney to his brother James to recover “money” due from Josiah Montgomery as well as the possibility of selling his “share of negroes”, by which time Sally had no doubt bore children.
Tax List for 1823…Amos Barnett, 0 land, 0 value, 1 WP, 0 BP Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
Tax List for 1824…Amos Barnett, 100 acres, 450 value, 1 WP, 2 BP
Muster Rolls – Soldiers of the War of 1812 Detached from & the Militia of North Carolina in 1812 and 1814 Mecklenburg County Published in Pursuance of the Resolutions of the General Assembly of January 28, 1851 and the Resolution of the General Assembly of February 1871. Stone and Uzzell Printers and Binders, Raleigh, N.C.
Mecklenburg First Regiment Detached Troops August 1814
Amos Barnett
Catherine died 1833 according to NC Court records pertaining to her interest in the negroe Sally.
A quit claim, Amos Barnet & Catherine S. Barnet (formerly Catherine S. Porter, dau of Wm Porter, decd) to Alexander J. Porter for their interest in the unwilled estate of the sd Wm Porter. Wit; Marcus Barnet, Jurat. Proven at Nov. Court 1827, test Isaac Alexander, CMC Reg 16 Jan 1828
Deed Book 23 p 186 Oct 1826 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
13. i. WILLIAM M.5 BARNETT, b. 1820, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1887, Giles County, Tennessee.
ii. JAMES M. BARNETT20, b. 1822, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. Unknown.
Documents relating to the sale of negroes for his brother William M. Barnett establish James M. Barnett in Maury County, Tennessee in 1845. James was given power of attorney by William to act in his behalf.
9. ROBERT FRANKLIN4 BARNETT (ROBERT3, HUGH2, THOMAS BARNETT1 SR.)21 was born June 14, 1803 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, and died May 30, 1860 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery22. He married M ARY THERISA SAMPLE December 09, 1828 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina23. She was born August 01, 1805 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and died July 07, 1884 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
Family history and Hopewell history states that Robert Franklin Barnett was an Elder at Sugar Creek at the time of their marriage. Both are buried in Sugar Creek’s third cemetery. In the “History of Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church” Robert installed as an elder on June 28, 1853, and served until his death.
Notes: Stark Martin, descendent. Deltona, Florida, January 2003 email.
Farmer, age 47, United States Census, 1850, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. 10 children are listed in the home along with Mary age 44.
i. JANE CAROLINE5 BARNETT, b. November 19, 1829, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. August 16, 1864,
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
ii. SAMUEL BARNETT, b. Abt. 1830.
iii. JAMES MILTON BARNETT, b. February 18, 1831, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. March 31, 1902.
iv. ROBERT SYDNEY BARNETT24 , b. May 06, 1832, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. August 01, 1906,
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Hopewell Presbyterian Church; m. MARTHA ELEANOR HARRY; b. July
07, 1842; d. May 22, 1897, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Hopewell Presbyterian Church.
Robert Sidney Barnett was an Elder and Clerk of the Hopewell Session. He served in Company B, 53d North Carolina Regiment.
Notes: Stark Martin, descendant.
Service Record: Enlisted as a Sergeant on March 8, 1862 at the age of 28, enlisted in Company B, 53d Infantry Regiment North Carolina on April 30, 1862, promoted to full sergeant on September 1, 1862, transfered on December 12 1862 from company B to company S, promoted to Full Ordinance Sergeant on December 1, 1863, POW on April 2, 1865 at Petersburg, Virginia, confined on April 4, 1865 at Point Lookout, Maryland, took oath of Allegiance on June 23, 1865 at Point Lookout, Maryland. His residence at enlistment is recorded as Mecklenburg County, North Carolina: occupation as clerk.
American Civil War Soldiers: Data Source, North Carolina Division of Archives and History “North Carolina Troops 1861-1865 A Roster”, 13 Volumes Raleigh University Grapics, 1993
v. WILLIAM A. BARNETT, b. August 01, 1834, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. July 03, 1863, At Gettysburg, Pennsylvania24.
Service Record: Enlisted as Private on May 1, 1862 at the age of 27, enlisted in Company B, 53d Regiment North Carolina on May 1, 1862, killed Company B, 53d Infantry Regiment North Carolina on July 3, 1863 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
American Civil War Soldiers
vi. JOHN LAFAYETTE BARNETT, b. November 08, 1835, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. July 03, 1863, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania24,24,25.
John Lafayette Barnett served in the Civil War and died at Gettysburg. Tompkins “History of Mecklenburg County” lists him with Company A, Eleventh Regiment, North Carolina.
Notes: Stark Martin, researcher.
vii. MARTHA ANN BARNETT, b. March 11, 1836, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. August 10, 1883; m.
DAVID HUNTER; b. Unknown.
viii. ELAM LEROY BARNETT, b. January 18, 1838, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. October 13, 1916,
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery26.
Elam Leroy Sample Barnette served as a Deacon at sugar Creek Presbyerian Church until 1880, but the date of his election has been lost. he served in the Civil War in Company B, 53d North Carolina Regiment, Lane’s Brigade. Tompkins’ “History of Mecklenbufg County” lists him in Company A, Eleventy Regiment.
Notes: Stark Martin, researcher.
Service Record: Enlisted as a private, promoted to full. Enlisted in Company B, 53d Infantry Regiment North Carolina on May 8, 1863. Wounded on July 2, 1863 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, POW on July 5, 1863 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, confined on July 10, 1863 at Fort Delaware, Delaware, transferred on October 22, 1863 at Point Lookout, Maryland, paroled on September 18, 1864 at Point Lookout, Maryland, exchanged on September 22, 1864 at Varina, Virginia, returned on November 15, 1864 (estimated), surrendered Company B, 53d Infantry Regiment North Carolina on April 9, 1865 in Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
American Civil War Soldiers
14. ix. ABIGAIL MINERVA BARNETT, b. November 01, 1839, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. February 18, 1901.
x. FLORA ANNABELLA BARNETT, b. August 28, 1841, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. March 24, 1896, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Hopewell Presbyterian Church.
xi. MARCUS ADOLPHUS BARNETT, b. November 09, 1846, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. Unknown; m.
IDA BARRINGER, Unknown; b. Unknown.
Marcus Adolphus Barnett served with seventeen year olds in Civil War.
Notes: Stark Martin, researcher
xii. BENJAMIN WILSON BARNETT, b. June 30, 1852, March 9, 1923; m. MATTIE STERNE, Unknown; b. Unknown.
10. HUGH MOORE4 BARNETT (ROBERT3, HUGH2, THOMAS BARNETT1 SR.) was born Abt. 1795 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, and died Aft. 1850 in Maury County, Tennessee. He married PATSY JOHNSTON January 04, 1819 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina27. She was born Unknown in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, and died in Maury County, Tennessee.
1830 Mecklenburg, North Carolina Census Number 372
1840 Maury County, Tennessee Census
Barnett, Hugh M….1 male under 5….1 male 5/10….1 male 15/20….1 male 40/60.
1 female under 5….3 female 5/10….2 female 10/15….1 female 15/20….1 female 20/40.
1850 Maury County, Tennessee Census Number 856-608
Barnett, Hugh M….54, Jane 26, Caroline 24, Susan 22, Cornelia 20, Tabitha 18, Pinckney 16, Louisa 14, James 12, Marcus 10. bNC NC
The 1850 census accounts for all excepting the male 15/20 on the 1840 census. This could be James M. Barnett his nephew and brother of William M. Barnett.
Tax list for 1823…Hugh M. Barnett, 100 acres, 400 value, 1 WP, 0 BP Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
Tax list for 1824…Hugh M. Barnett, same as 1823
15. i. EASTER ELIZABETH5 BARNETT, b. Abt. 1823; d. Unknown.
ii. JANE BARNETT, b. Abt. 1824, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
iii. CAROLINE BARNETT, b. November 04, 1826, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. January 09, 1889, Maury County, Tennessee.
iv. SUSAN BARNETT, b. Abt. 1827, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
v. CORNELIA BARNETT, b. Abt. 1829, mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
vi. TABITHA BARNETT, b. Abt. 1831, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
16. vii. PINKNEY BARNETT, b. November 09, 1836, Maury County, Tennessee; d. February 28, 1891, Maury County, Tennessee.
viii. LOUISA BARNETT, b. Abt. 1837, Maury County, Tennessee.
ix. JAMES G. BARNETT, b. November 14, 1838, Maury County, Tennessee; d. June 20, 1921, Maury County, Tennessee; m. SUSAN COLLIER, December 16, 1889, Maury County, Tennessee; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.
17. x. MARCUS L. BARNETT, b. October 01, 1841, Maury County, Tennessee Culleoka; d. March 08, 1922, Maury County, Tennessee.
11. JENNY JANE4 BARNETT (ROBERT3, HUGH2 , THOMAS BARNETT1 S R.) was born Abt. 1796, and died Abt. 1893 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Trinity Methodist Church. She married JOHN SIMPSON October 14, 1828 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina 27. He was born Unknown, and died Unknown in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Trinity Methodist Church.
12. MARY BARNETT4 SMILEY (DORCAS3 BARNETT, HUGH2, THOMAS BARNETT1 SR.) was born April 11, 1793 in Madison, Kentucky, and died Abt. 1870 in Lampassas, Texas. She married AUSTIN ENOCH GRAY November 30,
1815. He was born February 10, 1788 in North Carolina.
Children of MARY SMILEY and AUSTIN GRAY are:
i. DORCAS BAILEY5 GRAY, b. December 26, 1816.
ii. ELIZA BARNETT GRAY, b. April 10, 1819.
iii. JANE BERTHA GRAY, b. October 10, 1820.
iv. RACHEL ADLINE GRAY, b. February 20, 1821.
18. v. THOMAS CUMMINGS GRAY, b. August 30, 1822, Marshall County, Tennessee; d. September 03, 1902, Taylor County, Texas.
vi. MARY ANN GRAY, b. May 22, 1824.
vii. ENOS H. GRAY, b. May 24, 1826.
viii. NANCY CAROLINE GRAY, b. March 20, 1828.
ix. JAKE GRAY, b. June 16, 1833.
x. MARTHA ELIZABETH GRAY, b. May 25, 1835.
